Wednesday 19 September 2018

ADLG-R AAR New Model English vs Early 30 Years War Swedish

After a few return flights to Australia (have to love 96 hours on a plan.....) I've got our version of ADLG-R up to a point where it's playable and time to give it a go.

A few of my club mates are keen to give a go.

Game size is 200 points and we had around 19 elements worth on the table.
To represent pike & shot, I've modified the idea of a Mixed Unit.  So, a Pike & Shot unit fights as Heavy Foot Spear and shots a LMI Bow, but with a Musket.

The unit is 80mm wide, 40mm deep and fights like a War Wagon.  It allows for integral support and allows for some fun ideas.

To represent the Swedish "Salvo" tactic, I'm treating the Swedish Pike & Shot as having Impact with Furious charge vs Foot, but shoot with a minus.

The English horse are treated as Medium Knights but with no armour.

The Swedish horse are a combination of Medium Knights with Impact to Medium Cav with Carbine.

The Swedes win the initiative and invade England.  The English deploy a Water Way to limit the table and give them a secure flank.

The Swedish dragoons deploy to the right hiding in the field

In the centre seven pike & shot units deploy.

On the left flank, the Swedish Hakkapeliita and Latta Ryttare 
  deploy with Carbine horse as support.

The English deploy several pike & shot units in the centre with eight units of horse, four on each side.

The Swedes advance.  I've added the idea of checker board movement for group movement.

The English form up, bracing for the Swedes

The Swedes make contact on the left flank.  The right flank is slowed down, trying to prevent the English horse from flanking them.

The lines clash together, both taking casualties.  The Swedish foot finally break thru.

 The Swedes win narrowly.

All in all, everything worked very nicely.  Time to get some more practice games in.

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