Friday 8 April 2022

ADLG-R battle of Nordling

We are having a six person game of -R, and playing the battle of Nordling.
Andy is running the Protestants and I’m running the Catholics

Andy put the lists together and we played at 400 points. Each player took a command and off we went.

The Swedes won the game with their foot proving to be too strong for the German Tercios.

The armies line up
The German lines
Pretty Tercios
The Swedish foot come charging over the hill

The Swedish flank, trying to hold off the German mounted wing

I can see contact happening shortly

The German mounted wing is in trouble with no space to round around the enemy pike & shot

The Swedish foot disrupt the German mounted

The Swedish foot advance to shooting range, before the inevitable charge. The German line disrupts due to shooting.
The lines crash together
The German line starts to fall and the Swedes win shortly afterwards

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