Monday 30 September 2013

Derby 2013

My first every solo first place at a wargaming comp!

I didn't take as many photos as I would have liked of the comp, all the games went for almost the whole 3 1/4 hours. Last weekend the Central London team got the band back together for the team competition at Derby.  Our team name was To Mediocrity and Beyond!

having seen the runners and riders in my pool, I wasn't feeling too confident.

I had brought my Louis XIV French with me and the pool was almost exclusively foot armies.

There was 1 ottoman Turk army, 2 Swedish, 4 League of Ausberg and 2 or three Later Autrians.

The French rocked up and threw quite a few people as they were expecting the impact foot option of the army rather than the 15 dragoon, 4 determined horse option that I brought.

I decided to go for a almost completely mounted/fast moving army after Britcon which was all foot.

The end result

1st place!

I didn't get to take as many photos as I would have liked, was too busy with the games.

Taking the mounted option against a heavy foot army is a lot of work, dancing around sniping and forcing the opponent to give you an opening.  My army did get mauled in getting the wins, but they got there in the end.

Game 1 vs Ottoman Turks 16 - 9 win
Game 2 vs Later Swedish 17 - 8 win
Game 3 vs League of Ausburg 18 - 7 win
Game 4 vs Later Swedish 15 - 5 win

1 comment:

Iron Duke said...


Number one! Number one! Number one!