So, four battles, two loses and two wins. Playing a skimisher army compared to a heavy foot army is very different and comes with a few gotchas. Two things, armoured troops and mass shooty troops are not your friend.
Also, if you are going to take photos, don't drink too many Italian espressos. All of my photos are somewhat blurred......
Battle 1 Ordoannce French 0 - 25
Well, a big shooty army is not something that I really want to run up against again. Poor skirmishers are no match vs battlegroups of 8 crossbows or long bows. I should have run my knights against his bow rather than going for a one on one fight with his knights.
Battle 2 18 - 7 (I think)
I can't remember who I was playing in this game, but, I was beaten solidly. At the end, I had my baggage sacked and lost the game. The game was very fluid with both armies sacking each others's baggage, fleeing units off the table and moving from playing long edge of the table to playing short edge of the table.
Battle 3 Scots (I think) 25 - 0
My first big win. I ran up against what I think was a Scots army with two allies and was able to dance around them and slowly pick holes in his line until my knights arrived en force and did and what knights do best.
Battle 4 Later Polish 18 - 7
This was a hard fought battle. The Later Polish army is almost the same as my hungarians and it was a hard fought battle. In the end, I managed to sack his baggage and rout his knights plus kill two of his three generals. The battle didn't start all that well with my opponent announcing that he had a flank march and that it was going to arrive on turn 1! Lucky for me, the flank march was only one battle group and didn't interfer in the battle. The fighting revolved around our knights and his horse skirmishers vs my foot skirmishers.