Its been a long while since I posted anything and will try better!
Martin and I had our first game together since the start of Covid. He brought his newly based up LAter Danes and I brought the Germans for a good old fashioned scrap. I’ll post the army lists shortly. The Germans won the initiative and chose to attack. The Germans had some Haiduks on their right hand flank, supported by some cuirassiers and a dragoon, the centre comprising of pike and shot with regimental artillery and a two medium guns. On the left hand flank, I had a strong wing of 4 x Curassiers, a Croat and a dragoon. martin outnumber me with several pike and shot units, all with regimental guns, but had weaker flanks with some mediocre mounted.
The Germans advanced under heavy and accurate Danish artillery fire and brought the fight to the Danes with a cuirassier charge on my left hand flank( had to charge as was getting blown away by artillery and pike and shot). The cuirassiers worked their way thru the flank and then proceeded to charge the lank of the Danish line. On my right, Martins cuirassiers decided a fight was a better idea than being shot and charged my unsupported cuirassiers. The Germans slowly pushed back the Danes and the Haiducks took the opportunity of the mounted being engaged to break out of the enclosed field and attack.
Martins line of pike & shot proved to be devastating, heavily disrupting my entire line and killing one unit.
End result was a win to the Germans after some horrible
rolling by Martin, but he did take 16 out of my 24 points. I think a few more favorable dice would have made it a much closer game.
The armies line up. The Holy Roman Empire are on the right, with the four cuirassiers, dragoons and Croats line up.
The Danes open up with their artillery and start causing hits
The German line advances to get ready to shoot.
The Cuirassiers charge to avoid being disrupted by the artillery.
The Cuirassiers break thru!
The Danish mounted charge and loose. The Poles use this as an opportunity to get ready to charge them in the rear
The Danish line causes mass disruption on the German lines
The German Cuirassiers charge the Danish line in the flank.
The Poles advance
This doesn't bode well, artillery charged in the flank.